Physics 121, Winter 2001 --- Projects Showcse

Brian Youngblood, Blanca Zauscher -- Electric Hamster: A PIC-based sphereical robot with sonar

David Hecht, Nikhil Murthy, -- DANCING LIghts: Performance art from a randomized PIC

Ethan Duni, Silvia Keller, -- Phone Phriend: ET call home and turn out the lights

Jennifer Wang, Noble Woo, -- Optical BMD: PC-based image acquisition, target recognition, and photon launch

David Evers, Sonia Paluchowski, -- Robo-Bar: Keypad orders, PIC smarts, rotated not stirred.

Pablo Chee, -- Snake Heaven: Very PIC'y climate control and display
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Jason Jeffries (TA), Greg Stiesberg (TA), Nozomi Nishimura (TA), Earl Dolnick (Staff), Fred Driscoll (Prof)